First off, a few reminders:
- DUES & APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY FRI, SEPT 28TH to Mr. Kroeger in rm. 208
- Candlelight Induction will take place in Early-Mid October!
- Surprisingly, we have yet to receive any designs thus far for t-shirts! For this reason, we're pushing back the date for designs to Friday, Sept 28th. I highly encourage members to start submitting. What better way to show Beta spirit than from the amazing t-shirts we'll have? Keep in mind, these designs do not have to be super pretty. We just need a sketch - it's the ideas that matter!! The t-shirt company will be the ones to craft the designs!
Now, onto what we discussed during the meeting:
- Beta Garden
- Thank you for those who came to the cleanup that past Tuesday! We were glad to see lots of people attend; 1/2 people planned for renovations (flowers, patio set, etc) , other 1/2 pulled weed and cleaned up
- MAKE A SKETCH: How would YOU like the Beta Garden to look? This is a MEMBER garden; we want to see your ideas and creativity manifest in the renovation. As such, we want members to start sketching how they think the Beta Garden should be re-designed (don't worry about it being pretty, it's the ideas the matter!) For instance, where should the patio go? Should we have a fountain? Where would the plants be? How will we cover up the big sewage drain the middle? Click here for a picture of the garden that you can reference for your sketches. Additionally, be free to come by the 400 hall to see the garden first hand to sketch as well; the door is almost always open so you can go in. Sketches can be emailed to Roma (
- For any art students (or those who like creating art), we're planning to paint a mural on the back wall, so everyone can see it when walking by that hall. Like the rest of the garden, we want the mural to be representative of the the Beta members; basically, we'd rather you guys make it and your personal touch. If you're interested in helping out with the mural, contact Roma!
- GOAL: to finish the garden by Christmas Season so we can hang up lights and decorate! :)
- Fall Fundraising
- Polls are up! Start voting for your favorite fall charity organization! Voting ends on Fri, Sept 28th @7:30AM! I'll have a separate post below regarding what each organization does and where are money would go if we raised money for them!
- Our Fall Charity Event: Halloween Candy Gram Sales (hosted by Fundraising Committee)
- Similar to the Candy Cane Grams we sold last year, except with different candies (candy corn this time, perhaps?)
- If you want to help out, contact Matthias (!
- Other events suggested by fundraising are in the process of getting admin approval
- Membership
- Beta Member of the Month Overview
- Slips for nomination will be given at the last meeting every month (for the month of Sept, that would be Friday, the 28th)
- MOTM gets certificate and award from the online Beta store
- ppt entailing the awards will be posted soon
- Possible Halloween Party (w/ costumes!)
- Details being planned within the sub-committee
- Start recognizing Beta member birthdays
- Delivering cupcakes at the end of the month for their birthdays!
- Convention
- Dates: March 1 & 2 with the theme: Heart of Beta
- must turn in your dues to compete (bc you have to be registered for Nat'l Beta Club)
- Come up with placards, banners, flags, slogans, scrapbook
- In addition to academic competitions (English, Social Studies, Math, Creative Writing, etc.), there will be art competitions, quiz bowl tournaments, talent competitions, and senior scholarship competitions ($2,000)
- ANIKA MITCHELL (our lovely VP) will be running for state office at Convention! We'll be supporting her 100% of the way, of course! :)
- Service Project: Kozy Kids Blankets
- make blankets for long-term patients in the hospitals
- interested member should sign up with Anika (!

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